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Widgets allow you to add additional content to your header and footer and require no coding experience. First you need to set up the Widget Areas where the widgets will appear, which are enabled from the Customizer.

Adding Widgets to the Header and Footer

First add a widget area to your Header or Footer design.

  • In the Dashboard navigate to CustomizerDesignLayoutHeader or Footer
  • Choose the widget area where you want to edit sidebar
  • The controls for the widget area are used to add a title, change colors, and add new widgets by clicking the button at the bottom of the controls
  • Click the Publish button to save your changes

Customizing Widgets in the Header and Footer

Change Widget Background, Heading, and Link Colors

Once you’ve added Widgets to your header or footer, you can customize their appearance. Navigate to Customize → Widgets → [Widget Area] and you’ll find controls to modify the color for Backgrounds, Headings, and Links in your widget area. Note the Eraser icon in the background, which will give your widgets a “Transparent” background, so it matches the already existing color.

Congratulations, you now know how to work with widgets and widget areas using BoldGrid Crio! You can also add Widgets to your Blog Page or Blog Posts too.




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4 thoughts on “Working with Header and Footer Widgets in BoldGrid Crio

    • Hi Matias!

      You can quickly add multiple Widget Areas to your headers in Crio by navigating to Design > Header > Site Header Layout and then selecting the Custom option there. In the Custom Header Layout controls you will see the + Widget Area button, which you can use to create multiple Widget Areas in your header.

      custom header layout add widget area control

      I hope this helps you get your header structured as needed and please let us know if you have any other questions for us!

    • Hello Shellan-

      Transparent widget backgrounds are going to be added in Crio 2.8.1 which should be released early next week. In the meantime, you can use Custom CSS to make a transparent background. If you’d like help writing Custom CSS for this, post a new topic in our Support Forums so we can take a look at your website, and we’ll be happy to provide you with a CSS rule.

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